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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 medical articles for the care and management of urinary and fecal incontinence
10 medical blood testing equipment
10 medical bottles
10 medical catheters
10 medical cooling apparatus for treating heatstroke
10 medical cooling apparatus for use in therapeutic hypothermia
10 medical cooling units with body contact applicators
10 medical delivery apparatus
10 medical delivery devices
10 medical delivery instruments
10 medical devices designed to prevent adhesion during surgery
10 medical devices for contracting skin, body sculpting, and soft tissue reconstruction in a non-invasive fashion
10 medical devices for cooling fever
10 medical devices for dental surgery
10 medical devices for dental therapies
10 medical devices for diagnosis or self-diagnosis
10 medical devices for dilating blood vessels, namely catheters, balloons and stents
10 medical devices for ophthalmic use
10 medical devices for post-operative care
10 medical devices for preparing, mixing and applying bone cement
10 medical devices for preservation of limbs damaged by tumor related disease and bone loss
10 medical devices for proton imaging
10 medical devices for recording, processing, storage and for reproduction of radiological information
10 medical devices for reducing high blood pressure and the treatment of hypertension
10 medical devices for the application of ophthalmic pharmaceutical preparations
10 medical devices for use in optometry and ophthalmology
10 medical devices for use in orthopaedic surgery
10 medical devices for use in the delivery of bone graft material to an orthopaedic surgical site
10 medical devices releasing hormones
10 medical devices used in the preparation of ultrasound contrast imaging and diagnostic imaging agents
10 medical devices used to infuse drugs
10 medical devices used to treat wounds
10 medical diagnostic apparatus
10 medical diagnostic imaging apparatus and peripheral devices therefor
10 medical diagnostic imaging apparatus for displaying diagnostic images
10 medical diagnostic imaging equipment
10 medical diagnostic instruments
10 medical diagnostic instruments for the analysis of body fluids
10 medical diagnostic test kits
10 medical dialyzer reprocessing apparatus
10 medical disposable products
10 medical drainage devices
10 medical electronic diagnostic equipment
10 medical electronic therapeutic apparatus
10 medical endoscopes
10 medical equipment for inactivating pathogens in donated blood
10 medical examination tables
10 medical face masks
10 medical filters
10 medical gas alarms for hospital and outpatient surgery centers

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