CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 36 - Financial & Property

Financial, monetary and banking services; insurance services; real estate services.
Commonly used descriptions: antique evaluation; apartment house management services; asset appraisal; banking; brokerage of real estate; charitable fund raising; currency exchange services; currency trading services; debt collection agency services; electronic money transfer services; electronic payment services; evaluation of real estate; financial analysis; financial consultancy; financial consultancy services; financial evaluation services; financial management services; financial services; financing of loans; guarantee services; hire-purchase financing; insurance; insurance brokerage services; investment services; pawnbrokerage; provident fund services; provision of financial information; rental of flats; trading of securities; trusteeship services;
Class Class Name
36 provision of advice in the field of insurance and financial affairs
36 provision of advice relating to properties transactions
36 provision of advice relating to venture capital and private equity
36 provision of agency and brokerage services for stocks, bonds, securities, commodities and futures
36 provision of agency services for savings plans
36 provision of aircraft finance
36 provision of banking and financial services by automatic teller machines
36 provision of banking, financial and credit card services
36 provision of credit
36 provision of dining discount card services (financial services)
36 provision of electronic foreign exchange transactions
36 provision of emergency cash
36 provision of emergency cash services to travelers
36 provision of finance
36 provision of finance for consumers
36 provision of finance for credit sales
36 provision of finance for education services
36 provision of finance for hire purchase or leasing
36 provision of finance for investment
36 provision of finance for leasing
36 provision of finance for the purchase of motorcycles
36 provision of finance for trade credit
36 provision of finance relating to medical expenses
36 provision of finance relating to the sale and purchase of ships
36 provision of financial advice to businesses
36 provision of financial analysis
36 provision of financial and investment information via online databases
36 provision of financial and securities information
36 provision of financial and/or credit information
36 provision of financial and/or insurance reports
36 provision of financial arrangements and money transaction management services to facilitate on-line electronic commerce, auctions and stock-trading
36 provision of financial clearing services
36 provision of financial consultation
36 provision of financial consultation and advice to others
36 provision of financial guarantee
36 provision of financial information
36 provision of financial information about buildings or land
36 provision of financial information and indices
36 provision of financial information and indices online from a computer database
36 provision of financial information and management
36 provision of financial information by electronic means
36 provision of financial information by means of a global network
36 provision of financial information, data and indices
36 provision of financial information in relation to building and/or land
36 provision of financial information relating to charities, charitable organisations and charitable activities
36 provision of financial information relating to foreign exchange transactions
36 provision of financial information relating to hotel investment
36 provision of financial information relating to shares
36 provision of financial information services
36 provision of financial information via a global communication network

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