CPY Business Centre

中文 | English

成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Website and Email Hosting Service

Domain Name Register Fee
.com / .net / .org / .biz / .us / .info / .mobi HK$90
.cc HK$200
.com.hk / .org.hk HK$230
.hk / .tv HK$280

Hosting Packages Starter Hosting Standard Hosting Premium Hosting
HK$500 HK$1,000 HK$3,000
Hosting Space
1GB 20GB 100GB
Email Accounts
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Domain Hosting
3 10 10
4 10 10
Support Support Support
DirectAdmin Control Panel
Support Support Support
Support Support Support
RAID10 Data Backup
Support Support Support
FTP Accounts
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Sub-domain Accounts
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

General Services Agreement

CPY provides web hosting, dedicated hosting, server co-location and domain registration services.

Users should comply with this services agreement who using our services. We reserved the right to suspend or terminate customer’s account that breaks any point in there and change the terms & conditions without notification anytime.

Services Usage
All services provided by CPY can only be use for lawful purposes only; usage in violation of any Hong Kong Government law is prohibited.

The following content are prohibited on our services:
- Any Copyrighted Audio/Video Files and media, for example, MP3 files, AVI, MOV files.
- Adult content, pornography of anykind.
- Any kind of hacking tools.
- Phishing websites.
(- Gambling content of anykind.)

The following usage on our service are prohibited:
- Any kind of spams, for example, spam mail, spam comments etc.
- Any kind of hacking action.
- Any kind of proxy services.
- Any kind of online games, included PHP/CGI base online games.
- Any kind of bot, for example, IRC Bot etc.

Personal Information
User shall provide a valid, correct, up-to-date, and genuine registration information, including address, contact phone number, email address, it is the responsibility for user to update their contact information when status has change. We reserves the rights to suspend services provided where user fails to met the above statement. User refuse to met above statement may lead to termination of services without notice.

Personal data in registration are only for us to provide service to user.
all registration information are confidential. We may provide it to third parties employed by us for the purpose of providing our Services. This may include any of the following services: onsite services, billing, credit checking, debt collection. Third parties to whom your personal data are provided can use the data only for the limited purpose for which it is provided. We will also disclose your personal data if we are required to do so by law(Section 58(1) of the PERSONAL DATA (PRIVACY) ORDINANCE (CAP.486, Laws of Hong Kong)) and in order to assist in the detection or prevention of crime.

Disk Space
CPY reserve the right to suspend the account or terminate who exceeded the disk limitation.(for shared hosting and reseller hosting service)

Forum Usage
PHP based forum are generally accepted within our service, due to the high resources consuming to server load, there is an upper limit of NO MORE than 200 unique IP connection within 15 minutes for account, CPY reserve the rights to suspend the account with an email notifications until connections and traffic returned to a reasonable rate. An additional charges may apply for account which continuously exceed the above limits.

Bandwidth Policy on Traffic
We do not limit bandwidth usage of the site based on the bandwidth policy unless the usage of server resources of site impair another sites in CPY server. Under this condition, account will be suspend for further negotiation and arrangements.

Files Backup
It is responsibility for users to backup their data, for example, website and email etc. CPY take no responsibility for any data lost or related liability from the servers.

Payment & Refund Policy
For new user, a request of refund can be requested by user if services from CPY cannot be fulfil in seven working days. If subscribed services we can’t be provided in first seven days from the date that mentioned on the services confirmation mail and User did the payment, customer can request refund from us. In general, the amount of refund may transfer back to customer thru bank account. Please notice that the domain registration fee are non-refundable..

For existing users, users should pay for their service before the printed expiration day or may lead to suspension on service. If extend service fee were not paid before the expired day, we have the right to remove their account and related data (including email, web, files which store on their own account).

Domain Registration
User should have full control right when they paid to us for their domains. User should provide valid information for their domain registration, for details please refer back to section "Personal Information".

Name Server Setting
User should assign the DNS settings to their domains what provided from us.

Website & Email Hosting Order Form

Domain Name : e.g : www.hkcpy.com
Company English Name :
Company Chinese Name : Business Registration No. : Contact Person :
Passport / ID No. : Country of Issue Passport / ID : Contact Phone :
Contact Email : Personal Address : Upload: ID Card / Passport, Business Registration (Maximum: 5MB; Accept format: gif, png, jpg, tif, pdf):

Upload: Personal Address Proof (Maximum: 5MB; Accept format: gif, png, jpg, tif, pdf):

Remark(if have):
I/We read, fully understood and agreed CPY's Terms & Conditions !
I/we hereby declare that: I/We will not use this company account for any money laundering and terrorist financing activities!

Please sign here:

Whatsapp Us Contact Us

Whatsapp: +85235800200 Phone: (852)35800200
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