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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 pedicle screws
10 pedicular screws for spine fusion
10 pelvic clamps
10 pen-injectors and injection devices for medical use
10 penis enhancement rings
10 penis extensions
10 penis ring massage apparatus
10 penis rings
10 retention plates for medical use
10 retrieval baskets (medical)
10 rigid containers for dry or liquid concentrates usable for preparation of medical solutions
10 rigid containers for medical solutions
10 robotic exoskeleton suits for medical purposes
10 rods used in spinal surgery
10 root canal enlargement apparatus for dental use
10 root canal length measuring apparatus for dental use
10 sanitary masks for medical purposes
10 saws for surgical purposes
10 scalpel blades for medical purposes
10 scalpels
10 scalpels for medical purposes
10 scintiscanners
10 scissors for surgery
10 seat cushions for medical purposes
10 sets of artificial teeth
10 sex aids for hygienic and prophylactic purposes
10 sex toys
10 shadowless lights for surgical operation
10 sheath introducers
10 sheets (for medical use)
10 shoe covers for medical and surgical use
10 shoulder anchors (medical)
10 shunts used to drain cranial fluid
10 skin care apparatus
10 skin examination apparatus
10 slimming machines
10 slings [supporting bandages]
10 snore reduction pillows for medical purposes
10 socks for medical purposes
10 soft laser apparatus for treatment of the skin
10 soothers for babies
10 soporific pillows for insomnia
10 sound pillows for medical purposes
10 sound therapy apparatus for home and personal use
10 sound therapy instruments for home and personal use
10 spacers for inhalers
10 spatial measurement devices for determining the position of objects of interest during medical procedures
10 specimen collection devices for medical use in extracting samples from the body
10 speech and hearing training equipment
10 speech equipment for hearing-impaired children

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