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Class 14 - Jewelry & Watches

Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Class Class Name
14 electrically operated movements for watches
14 electronic alarm clocks
14 electronic chronometric instruments
14 electronic clocks
14 electronic horological instruments
14 electronic timepieces
14 electronic watches
14 escapements for clocks
14 faces for clocks
14 faces for watches
14 figurines in precious metal
14 figurines of diamonds
14 figurines of precious metal
14 figurines of precious metal
14 figurines of precious stones
14 gems
14 gems (natural and artificial)
14 gemstones
14 genuine jewellery
14 gold
14 gold coins
14 gold thread [jewellery]
14 gold thread [jewellery]
14 gold thread [jewelry]
14 gold, unwrought or beaten
14 gold-plated coins
14 hands for watches
14 hat jewellery
14 hat jewelry
14 hat ornaments (of precious metal)
14 horological and chronometric apparatus
14 horological and chronometric instruments
14 imitation gems
14 imitation gold
14 imitation jewellery
14 imitation pearls
14 imitation precious stones
14 ingots of precious metals
14 instruments for measuring time
14 iridium
14 ivory [jewellery]
14 ivory jewellery
14 ivory jewelry
14 jades
14 jet, unwrought or semi-wrought
14 jewel boxes of precious metal
14 jewel boxes of precious metals, their alloys or coated therewith
14 jewel cases studded with precious stone
14 jewel chains of precious metal
14 jewel of precious metal

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