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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 28 - Fitness Equipment

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class Class Name
28 model animals [toys or playthings]
28 model cars [toys or playthings]
28 model cars [toys or playthings] for sale in kit form
28 model cars [toys or playthings] having a motor and driven by remote control
28 model figures [toys or playthings]
28 model figures [toys or playthings] for sale in kit form
28 model figures [toys or playthings] for use in playing war games
28 model live steam locomotives [toys or playthings]
28 model railways
28 model toys
28 model train layouts
28 model train sets
28 model vehicle racing sets
28 model vehicles (scale- ) [playthings]
28 model vehicles [toys or playthings]
28 model vehicles [toys or playthings] incorporating a motor
28 models being toys
28 models for use with hobby games
28 models for use with role playing games
28 models for use with war games
28 models (scale-) [toys or playthings] incorporating a motor
28 models [toys or playthings]
28 mosaic puzzles
28 motor driven plush toys
28 motor driven stuffed toys
28 moulded pieces for games
28 mountain boards
28 mouth operated nozzles and plastic solution for blowing up into balloons (bubbles)
28 musical games
28 musical playthings
28 musical toys
28 natural gut strings for squash rackets
28 natural gut strings for tennis rackets
28 needles for pumps for inflating balls for games
28 netballs
28 nets for ball games
28 nets for practising golf
28 nets for sport
28 nets for sports
28 ninepins
28 novelties for parties, dances (party favours)
28 novelty toys for parties
28 novelty toys for playing jokes
28 ornaments for Christmas trees, except lights, candles and confectionery
28 outdoor games
28 pachinkos
28 paddleboards
28 paddling pools [not structure]
28 pads for protecting the body against accident or injury [adapted for sports]
28 paintball guns [sports apparatus]

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