CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 35 - Advertising & Sales

Advertising; business management, organization and administration; office functions.
Commonly used descriptions: accounting; administrative services for the relocation of businesses; advertising; arranging commercial exhibitions and trade fairs; auctioneering; auditing; business management; business management consultancy and advisory; convenience store retailing services; database management; employment agencies; import and export agencies services; mail ordering services; market analysis and research; merchandising; office functions; online retailing, wholesaling and distributorship; outsourcing (business assistance); personnel management advisory services; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; promotion; public relations; purchasing goods and services on behalf of others; rental of office machines and apparatus; secretarial services; sponsorship search; window display arrangement services;
Class Class Name
35 dissemination of publicity materials
35 distribution of advertisements
35 distribution of advertisements and advertising material
35 distribution of advertisements and publicity materials
35 distribution of advertising materials
35 distribution of advertising materials, brochures and samples
35 distribution of advertising materials (leaflets, prospectus, printed sheets and samples)
35 distribution of advertising matter
35 distribution of business information online from computer databases or the internet
35 distribution of commercial information
35 distribution of commercial information for others
35 distribution of goods for advertising purposes
35 distribution of promotional items
35 distribution of promotional leaflets
35 distribution of promotional leaflets and materials
35 distribution of promotional merchandise
35 distribution of promotional products and samples
35 distribution of prospectuses
35 distribution of prospectuses and samples
35 distribution of publicity materials, pamphlets and samples
35 distribution of samples
35 distribution of samples for promotional purposes
35 distributorship of medicines for human use
35 distributorship of software and electronics components
35 distributorship of stationery, furniture, textile goods, clothing, footwear, headgear, toys and sporting articles
35 distributorship relating to shoe supports, shoe cushions and foot orthotic devices
35 distributorship services in relation to electrophoretic lacqures and pigments, paints, paint thinners, anti-rust coatings, anti-corrosive coatings, fluorescent coatings, polyurethane coatings and glazes
35 distributorship services relating to books and educational materials
35 distributorship services relating to chemicals, chemical additives and raw materials
35 distributorship services relating to chemicals, pesticides, and chemical and pesticide applicators
35 distributorship services relating to motorcycles, motorcycle parts and accessories, footwear, clothing, jewelry and leather goods
35 distributorship services relating to new and used aircraft, and parts and fittings therefor
35 distributorship services relating to nutritional and personal care products
35 distributorship services relating to roller cone and fixed cutter drilling bits for use in the drilling processes of oil and gas wells
35 distributorship, wholesaling and retailing of clothing, footwear, headgear, sportswear, sports shoes, knitwear, undergarments, neckties, belts (clothing), socks, stockings, gloves, scarves and brassieres
35 distributorship, wholesaling and retailing of cosmetics, make-up preparations, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, moisturizing creams, cleansing milk and creams, cosmetic preparations for skin care, skin whitening creams, essential oils for skin, facial masks, facial scrubs, make-up foundations, make-up removing preparations, non-medicated dermatological preparations, bath oils and bath foams
35 distributorship, wholesaling and retailing of cosmetics, skin care preparations, slimming preparations, pharmaceutical preparations, nutritional supplements, medicinal herbs, medicinal wine, health food, deer horns, deer horn extracts, ginseng, live animals, fresh fruits, meat, poultry, cooked fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk and milk products, tea, confectionery, mineral water, non-alcoholic drinks, wines and spirits
35 distributorship, wholesaling and retailing of hair care preparations, shampoos, hair lotions, hair rinses, hair conditioners, toothpaste, mouthwashes, nail care preparations, nail polish, nail polish removers and false nails
35 distributorship, wholesaling and retailing services in respect of watches
35 document copying services and reproduction of documents
35 document indexing and computerized document database management for others
35 document or magnetic-tape filing
35 document reproduction and enlargement
35 document reproduction services
35 documents management
35 drafting and preparation of publicity texts and advertising material
35 drafting business reports
35 drafting of business plans
35 drawing up of business statistical information
35 drawing up of statements of accounts

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