CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 35 - Advertising & Sales

Advertising; business management, organization and administration; office functions.
Commonly used descriptions: accounting; administrative services for the relocation of businesses; advertising; arranging commercial exhibitions and trade fairs; auctioneering; auditing; business management; business management consultancy and advisory; convenience store retailing services; database management; employment agencies; import and export agencies services; mail ordering services; market analysis and research; merchandising; office functions; online retailing, wholesaling and distributorship; outsourcing (business assistance); personnel management advisory services; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; promotion; public relations; purchasing goods and services on behalf of others; rental of office machines and apparatus; secretarial services; sponsorship search; window display arrangement services;
Class Class Name
35 business management of hotels
35 business management of hotels
35 business management of hotels and motels
35 business management of hotels, motels and resorts for others
35 business management of hotels, resorts and clubs
35 business management of hotels, theme parks and amusement parks
35 business management of performing artists
35 business management of ports
35 business management of reimbursement programmes for others
35 business management of reimbursement programs for others
35 business management of resorts
35 business management of spa centers
35 business management of sporting facilities and venues including golf courses
35 business management of sporting facilities (for others)
35 business management of sporting venues and stadiums
35 business management of sports people
35 business management of supermarket
35 business management relating to exhibition places
35 business management relating to real estate (for others)
35 business management services
35 business management services relating to car parks
35 business merger consultation
35 business merger services
35 business monitoring services
35 business negotiation services
35 business organisation consultancy services
35 business organization consultancy
35 business performance management services
35 business planning
35 business planning relating to brands
35 business planning services for enterprises
35 business process consulting services
35 business process management
35 business process outsourcing and strategic business planning services
35 business project management
35 business project management services for construction projects
35 business promotion relating to investments in gold
35 business promotion services
35 business record management
35 business recruitment consultancy
35 business recruitment services
35 business referral services
35 business relocation consulting
35 business relocation services
35 business reorganization consulting services
35 business research
35 business research and business management services
35 business research services relating to purchasing and procurement; business research services relating to supplier relations
35 business risk management consultancy
35 business statistical analysis

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