CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 repair of laboratory apparatus and instruments
37 repair of lifting machines and apparatus
37 repair of loading and lifting cranes
37 repair of loading-unloading machines and apparatus
37 repair of locks for bags or pouches
37 repair of locks for vending machines
37 repair of machine belts and couplings
37 repair of machines and machine tools
37 repair of measuring apparatus and instruments
37 repair of motor vehicles
37 repair of motors and engines
37 repair of personal ornaments
37 repair of photographic and cinematographic equipment
37 repair of photographic equipment
37 repair of power lines
37 repair of radio and television sets
37 repair of recreational and sports grounds including golf courses
37 repair of replaceable vehicle platforms
37 repair of security locks
37 repair of sewing machines
37 repair of shoes or boots
37 repair of spectacles
37 repair of sporting equipment
37 repair of sporting facilities and apparatus
37 repair of sports equipment
37 repair of tatami mats
37 repair of telecommunication apparatus
37 repair of telecommunications equipment and wireless communications equipment
37 repair of textile machines
37 repair of toilet seats with washing function
37 repair of toilet stool units
37 repair of toilet stools with washing water squirts
37 repair of toys and dolls
37 repair of vehicle chassis and traction vehicle
37 repair of vehicles incorporating lifting apparatus and cranes
37 repair of video frequency machines, video cameras, video tape recorders and video disc players
37 repair of video game machines adapted for use with television receivers
37 repair of video game machines and electronic games
37 repair of watches
37 repair of watches and clocks
37 repair of watches, clocks and horological and chronometric apparatus and instruments
37 repair or maintenance of agricultural machines and implements
37 repair or maintenance of air conditioning apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of aircrafts
37 repair or maintenance of automated teller machines
37 repair or maintenance of automatic door opening/ closing systems for vehicles
37 repair or maintenance of automatic pipe or cable connecting apparatus
37 repair or maintenance of bath tubs
37 repair or maintenance of bill/coin handling machines
37 repair or maintenance of bill/coin handling modules (parts of automated teller machine)

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