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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 pedicle screws
10 pedicular screws for spine fusion
10 pelvic clamps
10 pen-injectors and injection devices for medical use
10 penis enhancement rings
10 penis extensions
10 penis ring massage apparatus
10 penis rings
10 odontological apparatus
10 odontological instruments
10 operating instruments for use with endoscopes
10 operating tables
10 operating tables; being specially made for medical purposes
10 operating tables incorporating air inflatable mattresses and cushions; all for surgical, medical or therapeutic use
10 ophthalmic devices used in diagnosing eye conditions and performing ophthalmic surgical procedures and component parts thereof
10 ophthalmic lasers
10 ophthalmic medical apparatus
10 ophthalmic medical instruments
10 ophthalmic medication monitoring devices
10 ophthalmic surgical apparatus
10 ophthalmic surgical devices used to inject intraocular lenses
10 ophthalmic surgical drape
10 ophthalmic surgical equipment
10 ophthalmic surgical implant
10 ophthalmic surgical instruments
10 ophthalmological apparatus
10 ophthalmological instruments
10 ophthalmometers
10 ophthalmoscopes
10 oral cameras
10 oral cleaning apparatus, using a pulsed jet of water to clean the teeth and gums, for use in dentistry
10 orthodontic appliances
10 orthodontic rubber bands
10 orthopaedic ankle guards
10 orthopaedic articles
10 orthopaedic articles containing silicone gel
10 orthopaedic articles for physical exercises and physical therapy
10 orthopaedic articles for preventing and reducing pressures and friction on the foot
10 orthopaedic articles for the corrections of the deformations of the feet and the toes
10 orthopaedic articles for the prevention of bedsore
10 orthopaedic bandages
10 orthopaedic bandages for joints
10 orthopaedic bandages for the joints
10 orthopaedic belts
10 orthopaedic bone graft materials
10 orthopaedic footwear
10 orthopaedic footwear, orthopaedic soles, physiotherapy apparatus, supports for flat feet
10 orthopaedic half-insoles
10 orthopaedic hip implants
10 orthopaedic hooks

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