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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 20 - Furniture

Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; containers, not of metal, for storage or transport; unworked or semi-worked bone, horn, whalebone or mother-of-pearl; shells; meerschaum; yellow amber.

Class Class Name
20 tool boxes [not of metal] [empty]
20 tool boxes, not of metal, empty
20 tool cabinets [not of metal] [empty]
20 tool chests [not of metal] [empty]
20 tool chests, not of metal, empty
20 tortoiseshell
20 towel dispensers, fixed, not of metal
20 towel dispensers, not of metal, fixed
20 towel stands [furniture]
20 toy boxes
20 toy chests
20 traffic cones of plastic [non-luminous, non-mechanical]
20 transport pallets, not of metal
20 trays, not of metal
20 trestles [furniture]
20 trolleys for computers [furniture]
20 trolleys [furniture]
20 troughs, not of metal, for mixing mortar
20 typing desks
20 umbrella stands
20 upholstered furniture
20 valet stands
20 valves, not of metal, other than parts of machines
20 valves of plastic
20 vats, not of metal
20 vertical blinds
20 vice benches [furniture]
20 wall decorations of plaster [other than parts of building]
20 wall decorations of plastic [other than parts of building]
20 wall decorations of wax
20 wall decorations of wood [other than parts of building]
20 wall hooks
20 wall plugs, not of metal
20 wall shelves [structures] of metal
20 wall-mounted baby changing platforms
20 wardrobe doors
20 wardrobes
20 wardrobes
20 wardrobes [furniture]
20 washstands [furniture]
20 waste bins [furniture]
20 water tanks for household purposes [not of metal or masonry]
20 waterbeds, not for medical purposes
20 water-pipe valves of plastic
20 whalebone, unworked or semi-worked
20 wickerwork
20 wind chimes [decoration]
20 winding spools, not of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses
20 window blinds (indoor)
20 window closers, not of metal, non-electric

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