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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 28 - Fitness Equipment

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class Class Name
28 toy putty
28 toy robots
28 toy scooters
28 toy sporting apparatus
28 toy sticks
28 toy tea sets
28 toy telephones [not functioning]
28 toy tents
28 toy tools
28 toy trains
28 toy trucks
28 toy vehicles
28 toy weapons
28 toy whistles
28 toys
28 toys adapted for educational purposes
28 toys being clockwork
28 toys for babies
28 toys for babies when teething
28 toys for birds
28 toys for cats
28 toys for dogs
28 toys for infants
28 toys for pet animals
28 toys for pets
28 toys for use in perambulators
28 toys in the form of binoculars
28 toys in the form of cameras [not capable of taking a photograph]
28 toys in the form of drawing apparatus for children
28 toys in the form of microscopes
28 toys in the form of or relating to ponies
28 toys in the nature of imitation foodstuffs
28 toys incorporating money boxes
28 toys made of plastic
28 toys made of wood
28 toys relating to magic
28 toys simulating objects used by adults in day to day activity
28 track and field apparatus
28 tracks for model vehicles
28 trading cards [card games]
28 trading cards for games
28 train sets [models]
28 train sets [playthings]
28 train sets [toys]
28 training appliances for sportsmen
28 trains [toys]
28 trampolines
28 transportable toys
28 treadmills for use in physical exercise
28 tricycles for infants [toys]

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