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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 28 - Fitness Equipment

Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class Class Name
28 flippers for swimming
28 floating inflatable playthings [other than mattresses or seats]
28 floats for fishing
28 floats for swimming
28 fluffy toys
28 flying discs for use as playthings
28 flying discs [toys]
28 flying toys
28 fly-tying materials for making flies for fishing
28 foosball tables
28 footballs
28 games
28 games adapted for use with dot matrix liquid crystal displays
28 games and playthings
28 games (automatic- ) [other than those adapted for use with television receivers]
28 games (balls for -)
28 games (bats for -)
28 games (counters [discs] for-)
28 games for adults
28 games for children
28 games in the form of quizzes
28 games incorporating toy cars
28 games (marbles for -)
28 games of chance
28 games of dominoes
28 games [other than those adapted for use with television receivers] (apparatus for electronic -)
28 games relating to golf
28 gaming machines for gambling
28 gauntlets (fencing-)
28 gliders [playthings]
28 gloves (baseball- )
28 gloves (boxing- )
28 gloves (fencing- )
28 gloves for games
28 gloves (golf- )
28 gloves made specifically for use in playing sports
28 goal nets
28 goal posts
28 golf apparatus
28 golf bag carts
28 golf bag tags
28 golf bag travel covers
28 golf bag trolleys
28 golf bags
28 golf bags, with or without wheels
28 golf ball markers
28 golf ball retrievers
28 golf ball spotters
28 golf balls
28 golf club bags

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