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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 2 - Pigment & Paint

Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants, dyes; inks for printing, marking and engraving; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for use in painting, decorating, printing and art.

Class Class Name
2 iron protection preparations in the nature of paints
2 lacquers
2 lacquers for buildings
2 lacquers for coating electrical and electronic parts and components
2 lacquers for use in industry
2 lacquers in spray or pen form
2 lacquers in the nature of coating
2 lacquers in the nature of paints
2 lacquers [paints]
2 lacquers with anti-slip properties
2 lamp black [pigment]
2 leather stains
2 lime wash
2 liquid surface sealants (paints)
2 liquid toners for electro-photographic printer
2 litharge
2 luminous paints
2 machinery paint
2 malt caramel [food colorant]
2 malt colorants
2 marking ink
2 marking ink for animals
2 mastic (natural resin)
2 mastic [natural resin]
2 metal coatings (paints)
2 metal foil for use in painting, decorating, printing and art
2 metal foils and metal powders for use by painters and decorators
2 metallic ink
2 metallic pigments
2 metallic pigments for printing inks
2 metallic pigments for the production of printing inks
2 metallic pigments for use in the printing industry
2 metals in foil and powder form
2 metals in foil and powder form for painters and decorators
2 metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, and artists
2 metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists
2 metals in powder form for use in painting, decorating, printing and art
2 mimeograph ink
2 mineral-based paints
2 minium
2 mixed epoxy and polyester powder varnishes
2 moisture repellant coatings [paints]
2 mordants
2 mordants for leather
2 mordants (not for metal)
2 mould lacquers
2 natural food colorants
2 natural resins
2 natural resins for use in the manufacture of adhesives
2 natural resins, raw

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