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Class 2 - Pigment & Paint

Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants, dyes; inks for printing, marking and engraving; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for use in painting, decorating, printing and art.

Class Class Name
2 natural resins (raw material)
2 newspaper printing inks
2 offset printing ink
2 oil paints for use in art
2 oil-based printing varnishes
2 oils for the preservation of wood
2 orange lead
2 organic color pigments
2 organic solvent based wood preservatives
2 paint driers
2 paint drying substances
2 paint powders
2 paint primers
2 paint thickeners
2 paint thinners
2 paints
2 paints and lacquers for automobiles
2 paints (art materials)
2 paints (colours)
2 paints for arts and crafts
2 paints for use in preserving buildings
2 paints for use in preventing and removing mould
2 paints for use on fabric
2 paints for vehicle tyres
2 paints in spray or pen form
2 paints, primers and paint sealers
2 paints, varnishes, lacquers and anti-fouling paints for boats
2 paints with anti-fouling properties
2 paper for dyeing Easter eggs
2 pavement paints
2 pearlescent pigment concentrates for the production of printing inks or lacquers
2 pearlescent pigments
2 pigment concentrates
2 pigments
2 pigments and pearlescent pigments for general industrial use
2 pigments for paints
2 polyester coatings (paints)
2 polyester powder varnishes
2 polyurethane coatings (paints)
2 powder coatings for application by spray
2 powder coatings (paints)
2 powder lacquers
2 powder paints
2 powder varnishes for protection of gaslines, pipelines and frontages
2 pre-catalyzed coatings (paints)
2 precious metal foils and powders for painting, decoration, printing or art production
2 precious metals in foil or powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists
2 preparations for the protection of vehicles against corrosion and rust
2 preparations for use as preservatives against atmospheric oxidation
2 preservative preparations for wood

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